Thai words for Travelers

Thai words for Travelers

Thai for Travelers

Thai is a quite complicated language for us travelers. First of all, Thai alphabet has nothing in common with Latin alphabet. Secondly, the words are written without leaving the space between one word and another. And finally, it is also complicated phonetically because Thai has 5 different tones, neither more nor less. And depending on the tone you say a word, it can mean one or another thing.

While traveling to Thailand, the fact of knowing a few Thai words can change our experience as a traveler drastically. It will help us to socialize better with people and to make them smile in any situation that comes our way. On the other hand, it can also help us to get rid of scammers or people who want to take money out of us.

Remember that Thais end the sentences with “Ka” if a woman speaks or “Kap” if the speaker is a man. For example, “hello” in Thai is “sawadee”, and if you are a man you should greet saying “sawadee kap”. But if you are a woman, you will greet saying “sawadee ka”.

Check out Thai words below that will be useful while your Thailand vacation:

Hello: sawadee (kap/ka)
Goodbye: larg gorn
How are you?: savai dee mai?
Thank you: kop kun (kap/ka)
Please: ga ru nah
Sorry: hot tot (kap/ka)
Excuse me: pii (kap/ka)
Yes: chai
No: mai chai
Numbers: 1 Ngn, 2 Song, 3 Sam, 4 Si, 5 Ja, 6 Hok, 7 Jet, 8 Pet, 9 Kao, 10 Sip 

Foreigner: farang
I’m from …: Pom(man)/Dichan(woman) maa jaak …
I like: Chob Kap/ka
I don’t like: Mai Chop (kap/ka)
The bill, please: Check bin (kap/ka)

Begpacker: kii nook
Cheapskate: kii niao
Womanizer and lier: You jao shu to lee
Asshole, jerk: nam yai
Komodo dragon: HIA (serious insult for Thai people)
Go to hell: Taii lot

Very drunk: Mao mak mak
I’m bored: Ko bua loi
What’s up: Alai
It’s ok: Mai mi alai
No problem: mai pen rai
He knows but doesn’t want to tell you: mai bok

Well, this is just some of the Thai words that I hope can be useful for you.

Know more Thai words to add to this list? Leave a comment and I will include it.

Elvina Mirsaitova
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